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Is an Engineering Degree Right for You ?
If you are considering going back to school to improve your job prospects, you should take a look at some of the available degrees in engineering. Of course, before you enroll in a Community College engineering program, you should consider the type of studying that will be required, which industries employ engineers, and what kind of salary an engineer can expect to earn.

Who should consider an engineering degree ?
Engineering is a good field for curious people who have an interest in what makes things function, and the work involves the application of logical, scientific principles to diagnose and resolve technical problems. Although some areas of the discipline involve interaction with physical materials and concrete structures, other niches in the engineering field involve more abstract concepts and computer simulations. Regardless of how physical you want to get while pursuing an engineering degree, you will need to master the basic underpinnings of the field, which are math and science. Pursuing an engineering degree requires a willingness to put in the time necessary to learn the fundamentals.

What kind of jobs need engineers ?
Engineers are needed in the jobs that keep buildings standing, planes in the sky, and computers running. Companies that develop software are looking for engineers to help design and implement their programs, while the companies that build computers need electronics engineers to help them with hardware development and design. There is also a demand for medical and chemical engineers to to work at hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and defense agencies. Their work makes a tangible contribution to society, whether it is in the highly visible structure of public works projects like dams, bridges, and highways, or the hidden but vital processing of information in computer networks and central processing units.

What kind of salary can an engineer expect ?
The National Association of Colleges and Employers survey has repeatedly listed engineering degrees as those which receive the largest starting salary offers, and CNN Money Magazine has named engineering degrees as some of the most lucrative college degrees available. Engineering jobs repeatedly rank at the top of salary surveys, usually crowding out jobs in other disciplines for the top ten to fifteen highest-paid positions. While it can be more difficult to find employment for engineers specializing in niche aspects of the field, there is a broad range of jobs available to qualified engineers that offer substantially more money than the jobs available to their less skilled counterparts.

The fact is that engineering graduates are in the minority when compared with majors in other fields such as liberal arts. However, a disproportionate number of hiring companies are actively looking for engineers to assist them, which means that skilled engineers are always in demand. More importantly, the skills required to earn an engineering degree can be taught, unlike more artistic pursuits that require a certain amount of unquantifiable talent. Although it helps to have a natural affinity for math, the degree is still available for students who are willing to put in the effort. And, if you are unsure of how you well-suited you are for engineering work, you can always take a few Community College engineering classes to see how you like it.
Tamil Community College